S1 Episode 10: Deciphering the problem of waste using computer vision, with Victor Dewulf of RECYCLEYE


Our first departure from the Health space this week - or at least from Human health. Technology is, of course, also starting to have a major positive impact on the goal of Sustainability and the future health of the planet. My guest this week is a great example of a young entrepreneur who, while still studying, brought a fresh perspective and curiosity to a major problem, and has made rapid progress towards a sustainable solution.

Victor Dewulf is on a mission to show that “there is no such thing as waste” provided it can be commoditised and valued effectively. His company Recycleye, founded in 2019, uses AI-based computer vision that can sort and label millions of different items of recyclable waste. He talks about the impact this can have on the ‘waste removal’ chain - including much lower costs - and how identification of big brands such as Coca-Cola will ensure that plastic waste producers are held to account.

Ocean plastic is a horror story close to my heart, but Victor correctly surmises that “turning the tap off” at source and blocking rivers is a far more effective approach to the issue. It’s relatively early days but Recycleye seems to be well on the way to making a real difference. With big thanks to Chris Smith at Playfair Capital for bringing the company to my attention.



S1 Episode 11: ‘Owning your health, part 2’ - virtual access to mental care, with Vas Touronis of My Online Therapy


S1 Episode 9: Owning your Healthcare – data, AI and the social impact of preventive medicine, with Pete Trainor of Vala Health