S1 Episode 4: Creating the future of drug discovery - with Martin-Immanuel Bittner, CEO of Arctoris

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My guest in this episode presents a very clear case that the current model of drug discovery is unsustainable. It is a long, expensive and laborious process, and there is growing lack of trust in the quality of the biomedical data being produced. Pharmaceutical R&D productivity has been declining at the same time as the industry recognises the need for a more personalised approach to disease treatment, which will rely on a much greater number of more bepoke drugs reaching the market. Martin-Immanuel Bittner of Arctoris goes on to describe how his company, the world’s first automated drug discovery platform, is pioneering the most viable solution.

Martin discusses the business and the problem they are solving, with exceptional clarity, and it should be a very interesting conversation for anyone concerned with the future of drug discovery. It is a classic example of the impact of AI, and how better and larger amounts of data enable the transformation of traditional practices. It will be very exciting to see how this develops and the potential impact Arctoris and this ‘reimagined’ approach can have on the treatment of rare diseases.

Martin also talks about the success of Biotarget (www.biotarget.org), a nonprofit initiative “directed at identifying and supporting emerging biotech companies dedicated to innovation within drug discovery.” It was launched last year by Arctoris, with Cancer Research UK and other leading actors in the space.

Find out more about Arctoris at www.arctoris.com, and Martin can be reached via Linkedin at www.linkedin.com/in/martinimmanuelbittner/


S1 Episode 5: Beating cancer by early detection and personalised treatment - with Adam Hill, CEO of Oncimmune plc


S1 Episode 3: Solving the global hearing crisis - with Giles Tongue of ChatableApps