S4 Episode 17: Safe, sustainable, sodium-based energy storage, with Will Tope, CCO of LiNa Energy

Welcome to Episode 17.

We talked a bit about Energy Storage in frontier markets in the last episode, and that’s also a major part of the theme here. While there is huge potential for solar power in hot countries, the key is to ensure that the power is available where and when you need it. 

At the same time, there is growing global dependency on Lithium-ion batteries, despite being a less than perfect solution, not least because of the lack of sustainable lithium supply.

My guest this week is Will Tope, Chief Commercial Officer of LiNa Energy, who have developed and patented an alternative, based on sodium. The business was set up within Lancaster university, and Will joined a couple of years ago to drive the commercialisation of the product.

He talks about the origins of lithium-ion as an energy source, the huge uptick in demand, particularly from electric vehicles and the limitations of reliance on lithium. He explains the need for constant focus on the problem and not the solutions, and ensuring product/market fit.

I also ask him about his transition to a startup from the ‘comfy couch’ of the oil & gas industry, and the appetite for renewables in India, one of LiNa’s core markets.

Will is passionate about the mission and is a very engaging podcast guest. I really enjoyed the chat and I’m sure you will too. 


Check out all other episodes of The Impact Interview at www.theimpactinterview.com


S4 Episode 16: Boosting Solar in Frontier Markets with Mike Rosenberg of Circadian