The Impact Interview

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S4 Episode 5: Enabling Sustainability with Geospatial Intelligence, with Jakub Dziwisz of Orbify

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TII s4e5 Matt Venning

Welcome to Episode 5.

My guest this week is Jakub Dziwisz, CEO of Orbify – a startup founded less than two years ago in Poland that is already having an impact in helping to drive the Sustainability agenda. Very briefly, Orbify provides anyone who is interested with easy access to data on the impact of human activity on our planet. And crucially, they also help to interpret and visualise that data. Which has numerous use cases across the Sustainability ecosystem.

Jakub’s background is in computer science and software development, and he held CTO roles in Traveltech and Ecommerce before co-founding Orbify in 2021. He’s really passionate about Sustainability and limiting climate change and it’s a really interesting conversation. I was a bit worried I might be overstretched by technical jargon here, but he explains the concepts very well.

The potential use cases and impact range from deforestation and agriculture to illegal fishing and drug trafficking, so I hope you’ll be inspired to listen to the end and find out more.

Check them out further at or connect to Jakub at