S2 Episode 10: From patient engagement to better health, with David Holmes of FollowApp.Care

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My next group of guests are all in the 2021 cohort of the ‘AI for Social Impact Programme’ – which is a partnership between Social Tech Trust, Microsoft and Microsoft for Startups. Social Tech Trust is a UK charity that supports purpose driven ventures using technology to make a positive impact on people’s lives – which is a great fit for The Impact Interview and why it’s awesome to have them in my corner helping to showcase some fantastic businesses. 

First up is David Holmes, founder and CEO of FollowApp.Care, a business with the potential to really drive better health outcomes globally by bringing dentists and patients together through personalised digital care journeys.  

Dental health is a hugely neglected part of our personal health. Most people view a trip to the dentist as a very occasional, necessary evil, and many will only bother going when they have a painful reason to do so. As a result, global state of oral health is pretty problematic , whether you’re in the UK or in a far less advantaged country. And oral health is largely ignored as a precursor or predictor of overall health and wellbeing. 

FollowApp.Care’s  smart technology products aim to increase engagement between patient and dentist by managing the entire patient journey outside of the medical practice. 

David studied dentistry in his native Australia and then in the US before coming to the UK, where he still practises part-time in central London. He launched FollowApp.Care in 2014 


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