
Health Matt Venning Health Matt Venning

S2 Episode 20: Transforming chronic disease outcomes with AI, with Janu Shan of CareIQ

Chronic illnesses dominate our healthcare system, in terms of both time and resources, and are far and away the main reason that we die early. Lack of direct expertise at primary care level, in the complexity and diversity of conditions, and their optimal treatment, is a key reason for this and results in long, painful patient journeys that are often unnecessary. CareIQ are bringing in AI-driven solutions to solve this problem.

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Health Matt Venning Health Matt Venning

S2 Episode 19: Affordable, efficient, sustainable access to healthcare, with Thuria Webnar of e-Pharmacy

Ordering medication through your GP is costly - in terms of time (the patient's and GP's), money, and resources (such as printed prescriptions). Ordering via an online pharmacy, gives greater choice at a lower cost, in less time. And the patient 'consultation' is likely to be more thorough. e-Pharmacy offers highly accessible advice, prescription services and products and demand for their services, unsurprisingly, has dramatically escalated since the start of the pandemic.

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Health Matt Venning Health Matt Venning

S2 Episode 18: Accelerating personalised therapies with precision drug development, with Mehak Mumtaz of Intelligent Lab on Fiber

Clinical trials can be very expensive, laborious processes, and often yield inaccurate results. A major factor is that every patient responds differently to a drug treatment and it is very hard to separate out different patient profiles. Intelligent Lab on Fiber (ILoF) does exactly that, analysing blood samples with photonics, combined with AI algorithms, they are creating optical fingerprints which are stored in a cloud library for future use.

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Impact Matt Venning Impact Matt Venning

S2 Episode 17: Off-the-shelf AI and Accelerated Impact, with Eric Topham of The Data Analysis Bureau

Data-driven and AI technology solutions are at the forefront of social and environmental impact. But ideating and implementing them is often complex and takes time. So T-DAB has evolved a "pre-packed solution" model where they can offer customers 'off the shelf AI' which cuts a lot of pain out of the development process. The potential to fast track technological advancement is huge, and T-DAB is especially successful withinh the healthcare environment.

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Health Matt Venning Health Matt Venning

S2 Episode 16: Shining a light on bowel cancer - early diagnosis using spectroscopy and AI, with Adam Bryant of CanSense

Early detection of cancer has huge potential for improving health outcomes, not to mention saving vast treatment costs within the NHS. Simplifying testing and early diagnosis using a blood sample and AI will have an enormous positive impact, starting with bowel cancer - the second most common and most lethal in the Western world.

CanSense is a spin out from Swansea University now led by Adam Bryant, who teamed up with a team of scientists led by Peter Dunstan, when he was looking for a more fulfilling mission after a successful career in investment banking.

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Sustainability Matt Venning Sustainability Matt Venning

S2 Episode 15: Building trust and collaboration towards a sustainable fishing industry, with Nadia Laabs of SafetyNet Technologies

Sometimes a technology takes time to commercialise, because the industry and the broader climate aren't ready for it. So with SateftyNet Technologies and their innovative solutions to improve fishing practices both for the benefit of people and the oceans. Having nurtured trust with fishing companies, and demonstrated their impact on efficiency and sustainability of fishing practices, they are now leading the way in bringing tech and data solutions together for massive potential impact.

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Health Matt Venning Health Matt Venning

S2 Episode 14: Technology, AI and seamless service delivery in Healthcare, with Ash Kalraiya and Ali Nehme Bahsoun of MediShout

Hospitals are often busy, chaotic environments, with thousands of moving parts, people and processes that need to function to provide optimum patient care. Any small problem in the ecosystem can cause delays, cancellations and wasted costs. Ash Kalraia founded Medishout to solve the problem of efficient reporting and resolution of these operational issues. Teaming up with Ali has allowed them to innovate, and they can now use AI to predict and pre-empt such problems before they arise..

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Sustainability Matt Venning Sustainability Matt Venning

S2 Episode 13: Creating a road map to net zero emissions, with Muhammad Malik of NeuerEnergy

The daunting task of achieving net zero emissions is increasingly high up the corporate agenda. Where does a company even start, especially if it has a complex supply chain? Neuerenergy has designed a SaaS solution that takes enterprises on the entire journey, from impact assessment to carbon removal. CEO Muhammad Malik sheds some light on how they do it and why.

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Sustainability Matt Venning Sustainability Matt Venning

S2 Episode 12: Achieving net zero in the built environment, with Colin Ma of FABRIQ

The race to net zero is on - to meet emissions reduction targets, to satisfy corporate stakeholders and to save the planet. Buildings are one of the main sources of carbon emissions, largely thanks to inefficiencies in usage and monitoring. FABRIQ's SaaS technology platform is changing that and can have a massive impact on accelerating the drive to net zero, and on helping companies meet their ESG goals as a result.

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Matt Venning Matt Venning

S2 Episode 11: Reimagining a future where everyone survives cancer, with Dr Bhavagaya Bakshi of C The Signs

Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, with nearly 10 million people dying every year. But it doesn't have to be this way. The founders of C The Signs are helping to create a future where everyone survives cancer, thanks to early diagnosis. Using AI and machine learning, data and technology can be combined to screen patients digitally in order to identify cancer before it spreads - rather than relying on a diagnosis from a doctor with hundreds of alternatives to consider. Only four years into their journey, C The Signs is already showing fantastic results in NHS boroughs across the UK and there is no limit to their impact ambitions. Dr Bakshi's passion for the mission and her eloquence in sharing it, are very evident throughout our conversation.

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Health Matt Venning Health Matt Venning

S2 Episode 10: From patient engagement to better health, with David Holmes of FollowApp.Care

The average person is far from engaged in their oral health. They only see a dentist when they have to and forget that prevention is much better than cure. FollowApp,care is changing that mindset, by allowing patients to stay connected with their dentist beyond the occasional appointment. CEO David Holmes explains how they use AI and data to create personalised digital pathways for patients,that lead to far better health outcomes. With the help of the AI for Social Impact program (run by Social Tech Trust and Microsoft Startups), FollowApp is scaling their global impact ambitions

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Health Matt Venning Health Matt Venning

S2 Episode 9: Measure your breathing, maximise your health - with George Winfield of Spyras

Launching a breathing medical device in the middle of a respiratory pandemic sounds like a great idea, but George Winfield at Spyras had already been working on the concept for a while. But Spyras has had to be nimble to get up the momentum, and their first smart mask product launches soon, aimed at monitoring pollution data for cyclists. The uses of the technology are extensive, with breathing being at the root of good health, well being and performance.

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Sustainability, Health, Inclusion Matt Venning Sustainability, Health, Inclusion Matt Venning

S2 Episode 8: Equality, safety and the Freedom to Pee, with Amber Probyn and Hazel McShane of Peequal

Femtech design innovation is having a big impact on women's lives, and the founders of Peequal are tackling one of the most obvious inequalities between the sexes - how and where to pee in public places. By developing the UK's first female urinal, they are providing a healthy, safe and sustainable solution to an age-old problem. Amber and Hazel graduated from Bristol University in 2020 and, motivated initially by their personal experience at music festivals, have created a fantastic product that should transform the experience of women in diverse settings from UK cities to refugee camps globally.

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Health Matt Venning Health Matt Venning

S2 Episode 7: Navigating the path to Mental Health, with Ben Lakey of Syndi Health

As a startup entrepeneur living thousands of miles from home, Ben Lakey experienced first hand the lack of mental health support available to those in need in the UK. Long waiting lists to see a specialist, combined with a confusing array of digital apps with mixed clinical validity. So he joined Entrepreneur First, met his co-founder Jorge, and launched his second startup - Syndi Health - a digital mental health recommendation platform to support people on their mental health pathway.

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Health, Inclusion Matt Venning Health, Inclusion Matt Venning

S2 Episode 6: Living life unhindered - pain-free prosthetics, with Ugur Tanriverdi of Unhindr

Limb amputations resulting from chronic illnesses like diabetes are massively on the rise. The technology of prosthetics available to amputees has hardly evolved in 200 years. Unhindr is an adaptable robotics company that has designed a comfortable, pain-free solution that uses AI to adapt to the needs of the wearer - allowing people with disabilities to lead a much more normal lifestyle.

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Health Matt Venning Health Matt Venning

S2 Episode 5: Helping nurses, saving lives - with Samuel Mugisha of Tatu Nurse

2020 was the year of the nurse and the midwife, even before the pandemic. Their work is essential, but inefficiencies and understaffing stretch their capacity to the limit. Sam Mugisha, an engineer and social entrepreneur, saw the acute problem in Uganda and decided to design a digital solution. Tatu Nurse is an app that saves nurses hours every day, and saves patients' lives as a result.

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Health Matt Venning Health Matt Venning

S2 Episode 3: Defeating dementia, step-by-step, with Sylvain Piquet of Sharp Therapeutics

Knowledge is power - especially when it comes to understanding your own medical future. A third of dementia cases are caused by lifestyle factors - the team at SharpTx is helping people recognise, manage and mitigate the risk - with profound consequences for long term health and the treatment of the most lethal condition of the 21st century.

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