S2 Episode 3: Defeating dementia, step-by-step, with Sylvain Piquet of Sharp Therapeutics

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In this episode, my guest is Sylvain Piquet, COO of Sharp Therapeutics – aka SharpTx - a digital therapeutics business that he co-founded in 2019 with CEO Xavier Louis.  The team at Sharptx is building engaging and accessible digital tools for the tracking and improvement of cognitive health. They want to help prevent and detect dementia years earlier and at a fraction of the cost of current methods, extending quality of life for millions of people through personalised lifestyle improvements. 

Most adults in the UK will know someone who has been directly or indirectly affected by Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for about two thirds of cases of dementia worldwide. Dementia is massively on the rise - particularly in lower and middle income countries – and the World Health Organisation has recognised it as a public health priority.It is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people worldwide. It has a physical, psychological, social, and economic impact, not only on people with dementia, but also everyone close to them and society at large. 

It’s still relatively little understood condition and there’s no cure available or even a treatment that can alter its progressive course, although plenty of new treatments are being investigated in clinical trials. But it’s not an inevitable consequence of ageing and we do now know that people can do a lot themselves to reduce the risk of developing it in later life. That is where SharpTx and their technology come in - listen in to find out more!



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